With the help of the parents, the school organizes events in the hopes of uniting the community and developing a constructive dynamic, through collaboration and sharing. It approaches these goals in a spirit of celebration, with special emphasis on school activities. Our hope is to create several events per semester organized with the school’s calendar in mind. Here are some annual events the school may organize or participate within the local community:
- September: Classroom meeting
- October: Halloween Party
- November: Thanksgiving Potluck
- December: Christmas School Performance & Recital.
- January: L’Epiphanie & Galette des Rois (King Cake & Epiphany Celebration)
- February: La Chandleur (Crêpe Day)
- March: La Dictée de la Francophonie (French Dictation)
- April: Spring Field Trip
- May: School French & Math National Medalists Dining Out, End of School Year Performance.