Artist I
Students study basic theory skills, which include major and minor triads, major and minor five finger patterns, half steps and whole steps, basic notation, time signatures and accidentals. Listening skills include dynamic and tempo changes, major and minor patterns and interval recognition. Students are required to perform twice a year.
Artist II
Students study the introduction of major and minor scales, key signatures, primary triads and inversions. Students also learn more complex rhythm patterns: triplets, dotted quarter, and 6/8 time signatures. Listening skill development includes recognizing dynamic and tempo changes, major and minor scales, chords and inversions. Students are required to perform twice a year.
Artist III
Students learn the order of sharps and flats, major and minor key signatures, three types of minor, how to draw the primary triads, inversions and diminished and augmented chords. Listening skills include identifying major, minor, augmented and diminished chords, intervals and rhythm dictation. Students are required to perform twice a year.
Artist IV
Students review all key signatures and major, minor, augmented and diminished chords. They also start to learn figured bass for chord inversions and V7 chords and inversions. Listening skill development includes identifying major, minor, augmented and diminished chords, intervals and rhythm dictation. Students are required to perform twice a year.
Academy I
Students study major and minor scales, three forms of minor, all triads, primary triads in all keys, V7 chords and cadences. Listening skill development includes identifying all intervals, rhythms, major and minor melodies, all triads, V7 chords and cadences. Students are required to perform twice a year.
Academy II
Students study major and minor scales, major and minor key signatures, circle of 5ths, intervals, chords and triads of the scale, primary triads, cadences, V7, and chord progressions. Listening skill development includes rhythm, identifying the different forms of minor, cadences, and triads. Students are required to perform twice a year.
Academy III
Students use their theory knowledge to compose, improvise, and analyze chordal structures. Students are required to perform twice a year.
Academy IV
Students build upon the fundamental skills learned in Academy III, but at a more advanced level. Students are required to perform twice a year.