The voice program is offered at Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau with or without the combination of the piano program. The weekly voice lessons are optional and taught in a private/individual setting by a voice coach.
All study material, repertoire choices, and any other decisions regarding course of study are made solely at the discretion of the teacher. Each student will require an individualized course of study, based on basic talent, physical and emotional maturity, musical skills, and interest and commitment.
Depending on the age of the student, voice lessons are focused on acquiring vocal technical and artistic skills. Sight reading is a critical musical skill for any singer, and the program strongly encourages its pursuit. While sight reading is usually a naturally occurring part of any voice study, aural skills courses are not usually included in the voice lessons. Students may add the aural skill courses with the voice coach. Basic piano skills are also highly useful to any singer and studies of this instrument should also be considered in conjunction with voice lessons.